
Towards a new normality – GMI meets IAATI_EB Vehicle Crime Investigators

These days our Vice President Matthias Böhmen and our Treasurer Ron Vermeulen are attending the IAATI_EB Vehicle Crime Investigators’ meeting in Ghent, Belgium. As we know, vehicle crime often overlaps with crime in the nautical world, and we continue our expansion of relationships and exchange in the world of prevention and fight against crime. We […]

Orca whales catching a sailor

Frightnening adventure for a  sailor feeling himself in unreversable trouble, when a pod of orca whales attacked his boat. The 27 years old  was under attack more than two hours by several of these mammals reaching  25ft long and weighting  five tonnes each “As per the best horror novel at one point all became quiet […]

October 2020 Annual Meeting: Suspended

The Global Marine Investigators association (GMI) announced that the October 2020 Annual Meeting will be suspended because of the current COVID-19 pandemic and its unforeseeble business consequences. “While this was a difficult decision, it was necessary based on the science and guidance around COVID-19. All the GMI Board after several internal discussions reached out this […]